Musculoskeletal (MSK) AI Product
Client: NDA
Role: Lead UX Researcher
Enhancing Quality of Life for Seniors: Case Study on AI-powered Digital Assessment and Self-Management Product
This case study focuses on my role as Lead UX Researcher during the discovery phase for a voice-enabled AI-powered digital assessment and self-management product. Its purpose is to provide a digital user experience that supports users to self-assess their muscular and skeletal (MSK) issues among individuals aged 55 and above. My responsibilities included reviewing existing academic literature, synthesising findings, identifying initial archetypes and opportunity areas, creating discussion guides, conducting end user and stakeholder interviews, facilitating co-design workshops, and journey mapping.
Review of Existing Academic Literature
To understand the potential of voice assistants' role in healthcare support for the elderly, a review of existing literature was undertaken to give an initial insight into understanding influencing factors for the ageing population in accepting new technology, attitudes, barriers to adoption and technology usage.
Over 150 Insights were arranged into eight concepts: Avatar, chatbot, enablers, barriers, future research, older adults, voice assistants and adoption.
These later informed our decision on which needed further exploration in user interviews.
Universal Barriers to Access
The next stage of the research process was to use the insights to identify universal barriers to access.
This method was chosen as it’s more inclusive and effective to segment the reasons why someone is struggling with a service. This method was developed in collaboration with the Government Digital Service which identified twelve universal barriers, nine of which are relevant to the product.
The awareness someone has of a service, skills, confidence and enthusiasm to use a service and trust are all factors that are barriers to uptake.
Service Journey
Each stage of service use from becoming aware of the product, to joining, using and leaving was reviewed.
Insights for each stage of the service journey were arranged into enablers (top half) and barriers (bottom half).
End User Interviews & Discussion guide
Arranging insights into universal barriers to access informed the discussion guide for the user interviews which focused on health tech, chatbots and voice assistants.
Participants were a mix of genders as well as level of confidence using technology and experience of voice assistants.
The sessions were designed to answer the following questions regarding the value and impact of digital tech in their lives as well as confidence, feeling and attitudes towards new digital tech.
I was also interested in understanding who’s opinion they would listen to when given a recommendation. Also, what their experience was like when speaking to a voice assistant, how they felt and how using such technology is the same or different to speaking to a person.
By capturing their perspectives, preferences, and concerns, you gathered valuable qualitative data to inform the product's design and functionality.
Synthesis, Initial Archetypes, and Opportunity Areas Identified
Based on the insights gathered from the literature review and user interviews, I synthesised the information to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by seniors in pain management, mobility, and physical activity. From this synthesis, I identified initial archetypes representing different user personas and distinct opportunity areas for intervention and improvement.
I identified three different user archetypes which summarises the needs, behaviours and outlooks we encountered during our research. These are not designed to be ‘perfect fits’ for every possible user: instead they should be thought of as a set of design tools: a usable guide for the typical traits and needs of this complex audience.
Facilitation of Co-design Workshops
I facilitated a series of co-design workshops with the aim of involving end users in the design process. These workshops brought together (1) People aged between 55-75, (2) had been in contact with their GP in the last 12 months, (3) Mix of average to high tech confidence.
I collaborated with participants on how we might address needs, add value and integrate in the existing context. I did this through creating scenarios for each stage of the service journey. This provided participants with an end to end journey. To gather insight, the group at each stage I would ask them to write down and discuss what they would do, say / think, feel and what could be better in each scenario.
Journey Mapping
To gain a holistic understanding of the user experience and identify pain points and opportunities for intervention, I conducted journey mapping exercises. These exercises visualised the end-to-end user journey, highlighting key touchpoints, emotions, and pain areas throughout the process. Journey mapping allowed the team to identify critical moments for intervention, design personalised experiences, and develop strategies to improve pain management, mobility, and physical activity.
Key findings
1. Participants liked that the product was more personal than NHS websites
2. Given the long waiting times some participants had experienced, they thought of the product as another option for treatment.
3. Participants said using the product would reduce ‘wasting the clinicians time’ with triaging which can take over an hour.
4. Participants like that they could ‘go at their own pace’ when using the product and have the ability to pause and come back to the assessment later.
Through my oversight of the research phase for the AI-powered digital assessment and self-management product, I successfully integrated various research methods and techniques to gather user insights, stakeholder perspectives, and co-design input.
By conducting thorough literature reviews, interviews, and workshops, I ensured a user-centred approach that would ultimately contribute to the development of an effective, personalised, and empowering solution for seniors aged 55 and above with MSK issues.